(in a .java source file)  孔智光教授简历 ( Zhiguang Kong professor biographical notes )
       孔智光,中国著名美学家、作家、画家。1943年10月生,汉族,山东曲阜人。1962年考取山东大学中文系,67年毕业后,从事文化宣传工作。79年考取山东大学文艺学与美学专业研究生,82年毕业,获硕士学位,留校执教。现为山东大学文学与新闻传播学院教授,研究生导师。1998年至1999年,任韩国昌原 大学中国学科客座教授。系国际美学协会会员, 中华美学学会会员,中国作家协会会员,山东省美学学会常务理事,山东省美术家协会会员。为本科生开设《美学原理》、《文学概论》、《文艺批评学》等课程;为研究生开设《美学理论专题研究》、《文艺理论专题研究》、《中国美学史专题研究》、《西方美学史专题研究》、《中国书画美学专题研究》、《中国审美文化研究》等课程;在重要刊物发表学术论文40余篇,出版学术著作《理想美学》、《中西古典美学研究》、《文艺美学研究》、《中国审美文化研究》、《文艺沉思录》、《中国当代选美潮透视》等;曾多次参加或举办美术作品展览,在美学、文艺学、审美文化学等研究领域和诗画艺术创作领域,均有重要成就,产生广泛影响。1987年被评为山东大学优秀教师。1994年,国家教委编“跨世纪人才信息库”——《中国100所高等学校中青年社科教授概览》全面介绍其科研教学成果。《中国当代美学名人志》、《世界名人录》等,亦曾介绍其美学研究和艺术创作成就。2003年,受聘为中国教育部人文社会科学项目评审专家。

Introduction of Professor Kong Zhiguang

Kong Zhiguang is a famous aesthetician, writer and artist in China. He was born in October, 1943 in Qufu, Shandong. He entered into Shandong University in 1962 and achieved his Bachelor’s degree in Chinese Literature in 1967. After graduation, he was engaged in cultural propagada. He was pursuing his Master’s degree in Aesthetics in Shandong University from 1979 to 1982. After that, he has been working in Shandong University. Now he is a professor of School of Literature and Journalism in Shandong University and an advisor for graduates. He had been a visiting professor of Korean Changyuan University from 1998 to 1999. He is a member of International Aesthetics Academy Association, China Aesthetics Academy, China Writer Association, Shandong Artist Association and a standing director of Shandong Aesthetics Academy. He has been teaching Fundamentals of Aesthetics, General Theory of Literature and Literature and Art Criticism for graduates and Monographic Study of Aesthetic Theory, Monographic Study of Literary Theory, Monographic Study of History of China Aesthetics, Monographic Study of History of Western Aesthetics, Aesthetic Study of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy and Study of China Aesthetic Culture for postgraduates. He has published more than 40 academic papers on famous journals. He has also published some books including Ideal Aesthetics, A Study of Classical Chinese and Western Aesthetics, A Study of Literary and Artistic Aesthetics, A Study of China Aesthetic Culture, Pondering on Literature and Art and Perspectives on the Trend of Selecting Beauty in China. He has participated in art exhibition for many times. His achievements have important effect on aesthetics and literature. He was awarded as the Excellent Teacher in Shandong University in 1987. He was listed in Information Database of Outstanding Persons, China Contemporary Aesthetic Celebrities and World Celebrities. He was engaged as an evaluation expert of social project by Ministry of Education in 2003.

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                Shandong university college of        
                literature and media

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